Episode 32

Published on:

22nd Mar 2024

The Ring - #11 Top Scariest Movies According to Science

In this episode, the hosts discuss the 2002 horror film The Ring. They provide an introduction to the film and its reception, highlighting its atmospheric and visual qualities. The hosts share their thoughts on the movie and its storytelling, noting the realistic portrayal of the protagonist's investigative process. They also mention the behind-the-scenes details, such as the production without a completed script and the consideration of other actresses for the lead role. The episode concludes with a discussion on personal favorite movies and the emotional impact of certain films. The hosts tease the upcoming episode on The Visit.


  • The Ring is a highly regarded horror film known for its atmospheric and visual qualities.
  • The movie's realistic portrayal of the protagonist's investigative process adds to its appeal.
  • The production of The Ring involved challenges, such as filming without a completed script.
  • Personal preferences for favorite movies can vary based on individual experiences and emotional connections.


00:00 Introduction to The Ring

03:13 Reception and Influence

08:52 Discussion of the Film

20:59 Heart Rate Statistics

26:30 Personal Favorites and Emotional Impact

28:17 Upcoming Episode: The Visit

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Scream Creeps
A horror podcast talking about everything horror with The Heart of Geek group. We will talk about anything from tropes to comparisons and all else horror. We hope you enjoy :)

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Jeremy Willey